It’s a new year on the farm and Mark and I have spent the past week catching up with family far away and planning for the 2020 growing season. Last year we saw big changes on the farm with the addition of two new high tunnels and we are looking forward to putting them both into production this year. That means our season starts earlier than in past years. We have also decided to formally apply for organic certification so January will be a flurry of activity.
Last year we had both successes and failures on the farm. We lost our bees early in the year due to the unseasonably warm February followed by a March cold snap. We replaced them with a Northern variety and hope they overwinter because honey production was great. Regardless, 2020 will see an expansion of the Bee Yard and hopefully a lot more honey sales.
Mark completed a new chicken coop and the chickens now have a more permanent home and a little more protected space for them to free range. They seem to be enjoying the new digs. We will need to replace some of the older birds and plan on doing a couple of round of dinner birds. Mark is looking for a little help on the farm and some of that could come in the form of something four-legged… more on that later.
We participated in our first Farmer’s Market last year and hope to continue that again this year. However, we need to improve our distribution and sales as we work toward making the farm self-sustainable. In addition to the farmer’s market, we will increase our efforts on the farm stand and will be putting together a small CSA or Farm share program. Let us know what is important to you.
We look forward to sharing our journey with you this year.